Sega Dreamcast Controller Variations

Current Count: 64

Dreamcast KEyboards :

Dreamcast Keyboard Japanese model

Quick Facts:

- Controller released in Japan
- Grey colored keyboard

Dreamcast Keyboard Japanese model

Quick Facts:

- Controller released in Japan
- Clear colored keyboard

Dreamcast Keyboard Sakura Taisen Model

Quick Facts:

- Controller released in Japan
- Pink colored keyboard

Dreamcast Keyboard Hello Kitty Model

Quick Facts:

- Controller released in Japan
- Clear/Blue colored keyboard
- Only available with the console

Dreamcast Keyboard Hello Kitty Model

Quick Facts:

- Controller released in Japan
- Clear/pink colored keyboard
- Only available with the console

Dreamcast Keyboard Japanese Black model

Quick Facts:

- Controller released in Japan
- Black colored keyboard

Dreamcast Keyboard North American Model

Quick Facts:

- Controller released in North America
- Off-White colored keyboard

Dreamcast Keyboard European model

Quick Facts:

- Controller released in Europe
- Off-White colored keyboard
- Keyboards where released in different countries, each with there own QWERTY/AZERTY version

Dreamcast  Mouse

Quick Facts:

- Controller released World Wide
- Off-White colored Mouse
- Mostly used to browse trough the Internet, or to play shoter games like Quake 3 Anera or Unreal Tournament

Other Controllers :

Dreamcast Arcade Stick

Quick Facts:

- Controller released World Wide
- Gray colored controller with Green buttons

Dreamcast Fishing Controller

Quick Facts:

- Controller released Wold Wide
- Grey colored controller for Fishing games

Dreamcast Racing Controller

Quick Facts:

- Controller released Wold Wide
- Black colored controller

Dreamcast Maracas

Quick Facts:

- Controller released in Japan/Europe
- Red colored controller
- Only made to use for the game Samba De Amigo

Dreamcast Twin Stick

Quick Facts:

- Controller released in Japan
- Grey colored controller
- Only made for the game: Cyber Troopers Virtual-On: Oratorio Tangram

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