Atari Lynx Console Variations

Current Count: 3

Atari Lynx Model 1

Quick Facts:

- Console released in North America/Europe

- Dark/Grey colored console with black buttons

- Atari's first handheld console

- Needed 6 batteries to operate

Atari Lynx Model 2

Quick Facts:

- Console released in North America/Europe

- Dark/Grey colored console with black buttons

- Smaller and Lighter than the original

Very Limited Editions / Prizes / Give aways :

Atari Marlboro Lynx

Quick Facts:

- Console released in North America

- Red console with black buttons

- 50 made

- with every Cigarette package you could collect points off your packs, which could be reentered for prizes. 

Bundled with the game "Marlboro Go"

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